

The sound of this video sounds like a nursery rhyme because it will attracted mothers to link it to their kids. There is one famous actor in the video who is delivering the speech. The actor is talking about how you can help the children come home with food in the house. The tone of the voice is very serious and she is dressed appropriate and smart.  There is not a lot of sound effects but there are noise to when he walks in the house and opens the cupboard. The locations are his house and the actor in another house. When he looking in the cupboard and slams the cupboard door we feel his pain of hungry. I think the target audience is people age 25 and up as maybe people young don’t have that mind set of giving yet. The audience may have learnt that a lot more people are hungry than they think and that this could be anybody.
This is a 15 sec radio advert telling people to help at the holidays as family don’t have much to eat and your local foodbank needs your help the message behind it is for you to get involve. By them using the word “you” makes the target audience feel that the narrator is talking to only them and they might feel egger to help. The music is very up lifting as this is during the holiday but the message is important.
This is a clip from a group of people around the communities came to together to help the people in need and the decided to organise a food bank. There is one man talking who is the MP and he is talking about how coming together is very easy and people would live to help one another. The tone of his voice is very concerning to the people in need. The sounds in the background are the wind outside also people bringing things and stacking it on the table, they are outside. Hearing the sound of his voice you could hear the emotion. You can also hear the person asking him questions about the food bank.
This video is about food banks helping people get food on the table no matter what. The is one man narrating the whole video. The tone of his voice was very sincere and you feel that he cared about the people who come to the food bank he also makes you feel like should do the right thing and help. So the video is recorded at different people homes and also the main warehouse when they supply the food. The sounds of people opening food and smiling makes a great video it shows a lot emotion during the video.
The video is about people not having enough food and this foodbank place helping them get through everything. There is on narrator who is a man telling his story and how this foodbank place him through is hard times.  The sound of the bus in the background is very important because he could tell the position that he was in the story telling, also the different shots on the streets and the foodbank shows the helping people. The target audiences are maybe people that have been there and now they have are in a better place and this is showing that they could still help.

This videos is an information video about how they help people by giving food but not just that they follow through and see how they can further help their problem. There is one narrator throughout whole video giving information about the foodbank, his voice is very calm while he is talking. Most of the clips were recorded in the foodbank and the video was following a man and his son telling their story. The target audience people who care about others just kind people that want to help. There is not many sounds in this video just the narrator’s emotion in his voice.


The Trussell Trust
Richard’s story
-        When the video first starts the soundtrack is calm music playing with some tittles on the screen with quote marks, so we know it from Richard
-       There is a voiceover in the beginning before we get to a shot of him. This is synchronous sounds as  he is talking about the food bank has helped him and what type of people go there.
-        He siting on the sofa telling his story and how he go there he also talks about his health problems.   The music in the background stays the same though out the video.
-          He enjoyed the severs that he go there and they welcomed him in very well, he also talks about how   he felt going there at first.

Marcella’s story
-        The first few shots are outside and there is a time lapse with calming music in the background. Voice   over also in the beginning.
-          She talks about how much they helped her and how people miss-judge food banks. There is a shot of   her in a food bank with someone that works there.

 Josh’s story
-          Josh is telling his story and what he has been through.
-          The next shot is a blank screen with some text on it explain josh’s story in more detail.
-          At end of video they tell you were to donate and how you can.

      App Analysis 

     The app I have chosen is Stowmarket foodbank the colour of the app is green it has white writing that stands out. The first thing you see a bar that says contact us which you need a app so people know were they can call also has a little map showing where the foodbank and how to get there. Also has a website and social media contacts. The next session is a volunteering where there is a bit of information on that. This is a very necessary session so people know they can come and help. They also have an about us with some information and they have their opening times. The app is very old so getting around it is pretty difficult. They have donate section so you can donate and when you press on it it leads you to the internet so you can donate via the church. The target audience is people who are not very good on the internet so this app would be good for them.

     The second app that I looked at was called olio foodbank which is a lot more modern and it has five labels at the bottoms which are food, non-food, just gone, community and messages. These are the categories they are in these are helpful because you can find things easily and on the app. They also have a messages which help because they can contact them anytime.These two app are very different one is more modern then the other which makes it more easy to use and understand.
