Reflection Log

This week was our first week back and we have started using dream weaver which I had never used before it pretty hard to use as the coding is difficult. Also we have been using W3 schools for the coding things which has really help once we got into dream weaver it was easily because of all the things we learnt from W3 schools. Dream weaver is hard to get the grip of it all. We have only have a couple lessons but hopefully by the end of the project I will hopefully be better. 

This week I have done more dream weaver work on HTML and coding which has been a really hard to focus and also get into it. We learned how to create a banner on dream weaver we also had to create a cc styles. 

In this week lessons I have done my script for my radio ad which went great as I knew the plan when I went in the radio booth. I really enjoyed recording it. we also started planning my app ideas I have two different plans for my app. we also did some work on dream weaver which is really difficult to use the coding is hard but I am getting the hang of it.
In my two lessons today I analysed a number of audio-visual pieces which were part of a food-bank website. I analysed the types of sound used and how they were used. I realised that soundtrack is very important in keeping the audiences attention and that soundtrack can be used to create a sympathetic emotional response. I will definetly use a strong soundtrack in my radio ad when I plan and make it.


This week I have learnt how to add my banner into Dreamweaver­­­­ which I made in Photoshop. I did my banner based on my logo which I had done in last week. Once I added my banner it started to look a bit more like my work. I finish my radio ad which I had to re-record because I wanted a male voice also some of script I changed up. I also edited it on audition which was extremely easily to use which helped me out, I add some sound effects.  
